CUBATI Project - Public Notice for the design and construction of the CUBATI Platform
As part of the project “Culture du bâti de qualité: Recherche, Innovation and Enterprise pour la Durabilité - CUBATI” - N. REF. C-5-2.1-16 - Program de coopération transfrontalière Italie Tunisie 2014-2020 aimed at supporting research and innovation in the field of sustainable construction culture, strengthening the links between companies, professionals and researchers, the EcoDomus Consortium, Partner n . 2 of the Project, intends to create the CUBATI Platform (Implementation 5.3.1), as part of GT 5 Mainstreaming, which aims to promote the integration of new knowledge and good practices at a regional, national or European decision-making level. The CUBATI Platform intends to allow a direct comparison between stakeholders, researchers and companies, to start collaborations, also presenting financing opportunities connected to the European company network, etc. To facilitate users, the platform will be equipped with a virtual assistant via an artificial intelligence system (chatbot) which will be developed to support the exchange of information in real time, also acting as an interpreter in the languages of the project (Italian and French), overcoming the linguistic limit that constitutes a strong cultural barrier.
Furthermore, the CUBATI web integration and networking platform intends to offer a virtual showcase for all partners and stakeholders of the project, overcoming the barriers related to distance and language thanks to the presence of a chabot with an assistant who will speak from time to time about the language requested by the user. The platform will have a section dedicated to product sheets and a section with access reserved for Partners for the exchange of information on the project. The CUBATI Platform will also make a contribution to GT4 Capitalization, because it will make it possible to strengthen and disseminate knowledge of good practices, involving public and private actors.
To this end, the EcoDomus Consortium announces an open tender for the development of the solution and related services.