CUBATI Project – Public notice for the awarding of a consultancy assignment relating to standards, certifications and market analysis.
Projet CUBATI – Avis public for the attribution of a mission of advice on the norms and certification and analysis of the marché.
January 27, 2023
As part of the CUBATI project "Culture of quality construction: Research, Innovation and Enterprise for Sustainability", a strategic project co-financed by the European Union as part of the ENI Program for Italy-Tunisia Cross-border Cooperation 2014-2020, the Ecodomus Consortium , as Partner 2, has launched apublic notice for the awarding of a consultancy assignment relating to standards, certifications and market analyses. The activity involves the drafting of a Report which will contain a first part on the study relating to the regulatory and certification requirements of sustainable and traditional building materials for the cross-border market and a second part on the analysis of the local materials market in Sicily and Tunisia .
On the basis of the CUBATI project (Culture du bâti de qualité: Research, Innovation et Enterprise pour la Durabilité), strategic project co-financed by the European Union on the basis of the IEV Program of Transfrontier Coopération Italy-Tunisie 2014-2020, the Ecodomus Consortium , as Partenaire 2, launched aavis public pour l'attribution d'une Advice sur les norms et certification et analysis de marché. The activity includes the drafting of a report which contains a first part on the study relating to the regulatory requirements and certification of durable and traditional construction materials for cross-border movement and a second part on the analysis of local materials in Sicily and Tunisia.